Within the pages of Model Society Magazine, the best and most creative models, photographers and artists in the world are restoring human beauty to its rightful place as a true work of art.

Get your free issue of model society magazine and allow yourself to look upon each work of art with new eyes, reconsidering your own unique humanity as a beautiful and miraculous work of art. Get your copy of the magazine and break free from the cultural hypnosis of beauty standards. Reclaim your experience of human beauty as your own.

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It’s absurd to think of you (exactly as you are) as anything less that a true work of art.

Your body has been shaped by the same creative dynamics that shaped the world. Your body has come from the same collective ground as the trees and the flowers that you see shining all around you… as they stand naked … and without shame. The only thing that is obscene in the contemplation of your naked humanity is the idea that you’re somehow obscene. The only thing that is perverted about celebrating human beauty as a work of art is the idea … that you should be ashamed to either enjoy beauty in others … or to be held as beautiful … in the eyes of others.

Inspring stories of real body image transformations

The Embody Project is honest images of real naked people from around the world, along with their personal body image transformations and perspectives about their bodies. Through this work we are able to restore sanity to our experience of ourselves and one another. It’s healing to realize that we are all perfectly beautiful, even as we are all perfectly ordinary. Plus size women and people of all shapes and sizes who struggle with body image … rejoice and enjoy this refreshing perspective!

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Featured Videos and Articles

From Outcast to Cover Girl

August 15th, 2018|0 Comments

From Outcast to Cover Girl Dee Dettling shares an inspiring personal story about the challenges and rewards of being a plus-size model. In this gorgeous boudoir style series of images, Dee sends a message to curvy girls [...]

Self Acceptance Unveiled

July 25th, 2018|0 Comments

Self Acceptance Unveiled: In this intimate video, Lone Mørch articulates surprising and loving insights about women and their bodies. (Click HERE for the uncensored version of this page) Unveiled chronicles my [...]


October 14th, 2017|Comments Off on Savannah

Savannah Imagine confronting insecurity and body shame by revealing yourself nude for the world to see   SHARE THIS IMPORTANT BOOK WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE I [...]

Dmitry Laudin

June 17th, 2017|0 Comments

Dmitry Laudin - Body of Water Our Most Essential Substance From conception till the moment we are born, we are suspended in water. Approximately 70% of the human body is composed [...]

Gary Samson

June 16th, 2017|0 Comments

“Real beauty transcends time. It’s found in the grace of a 2500 year old Greek marble figure and a fleeting gesture of a confident woman who truly knows herself.”  – Gary Samson [...]

Desert Queen and Axiaelitrix

June 14th, 2017|0 Comments

Desert Queen and Axiaelitrix – Beyond Opinion Working with Desert Queen was a beautiful and surreal experience. Everything about her seemed natural, fluid, and palpable. Our collaboration was a free-form expression [...]

The Abandoned Dream

June 13th, 2017|0 Comments

The Abandoned Dream – Raw and True Raw and True I had always been attracted to capturing the human body in its most raw and true form. I began shooting models [...]

Trey Squire

June 7th, 2017|0 Comments

Trey Squire – Self Discovery and Liberation “Believe in yourself. Study the greats, and become better.” Michael Jackson once said this, and it’s a quote that I live by. I set out to [...]

Justin Kates

February 9th, 2017|0 Comments

Justin Kates - Vampire Gothic Beauty and Darkness Justin Kates takes us on a tour through a lush vampire world that is romantic and dark. His seductive images entice the viewer with [...]

Sergio Lopez

February 8th, 2017|0 Comments

Sergio Lopez “My art has mostly stemmed out of finding my place in this world. Growing up I was an extremely shy and timid person with low self-esteem. Art was the [...]

Todd F. Jerde

November 21st, 2016|0 Comments

Todd F. Jerde - Divine Identity When I consider my biggest influences... I immediately think of the women in my life, especially my wife. Women have taught me to learn from [...]

Scott Grimando

November 21st, 2016|0 Comments

Scott Grimando - Open Vessels Candles in the Darkness I love the expressiveness of the human figure. We’re not like other animals. Our body isn’t covered in fur. Every motion and emotion [...]

More Model Society Articles and Videos
“I just love Model Society and the fact that something like this exists. Thanks guys for creating something so focused and specific. Love it!”
“I see humanity as a very young, quite lost species filled with fears and, therefore, hatred. Thanks to you, I am revisiting Dostoyevsky and his statement ‘Beauty will save the world.’ And I think to myself, ‘Damn, it actually might …'”
“Thank you! There is nothing wrong with nudity and nude art photography. For me, it is the most natural state: You were born naked and you will die that way. It is an art form that should be respected and not shunned.”
“Thank you for your work. It’s a chance to be in front of ourselves, our fears, desires, and needs.”
“The bravery that exists within these models is awe-inspiring. I look up to them for their willingness to bare themselves as they are. It stirs thoughts of self-discovery and self-acceptance for me. Those are things that scare the shit out of me.”
“Congratulations for this beautiful contribution to peace, prosperity and friendship among us, humans — women or men!”
“I just wanted to send you a note to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for launching this wonderful site showing what I believe to be the best in fine art nude work. You have managed to accumulate an amazing roster of very talented photographers, models and artists.”
“As a professional photographer, I am deeply and forever awestruck at the magnificence of the human form. There is such incredible beauty in the subtleties of how a person moves and wants to express their originality. Thank goodness for those courageous model artists and photographers who know how to capture such beauty and for Model Society for bringing forward this ‘body of work’ that really needs to be shared. Wow!”



The Model Society Community is where the very best models, photographers and artists collaborate, connect and share their art.


World class training and education resources for models, photographers and artists. Begin or refine your creativity and career.


Model Society Magazine highlights a full spectrum of human beauty and features the best figurative fine art in the world.