Justin Kates – Vampire Gothic

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Vampires, beauty and sexuality in the visionary 4th issue of Model Society Magazine

“As an artist, I like to to take what many consider ‘beautiful’ and deconstruct it to expose a darker side. I see beauty in things that walk a slightly darker path. I see beauty in what most people reject.” – Justin Kates
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Beauty and Darkness

Justin Kates takes us on a tour through a lush vampire world that is romantic and dark. His seductive images entice the viewer with a striking combination of beauty and horror. His signature visual style is inspired by a wide range of influences, including gothic, steampunk, heavy metal and modern punk. There is a distressed timeless quality to Justin’s art that seems as ancient and vibrantly alive as his undead vampire subjects.

If you have yet to experience the world of Justin Kates, prepare to be swept away by a grand vision that introduces vampires and other dark creatures as royalty. You are about to enter a victorian fantasy full of nightmares, sensuality and larger than life characters.

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An exploration of horror, beauty and sexuality

Prepare to be swept away by a grand vision that introduces vampires and other dark creatures as royalty.
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See more from Justin Kates in the stunning 4th issue of Model Society Magazine

“I want them to be turned on by my images and feel little guilty for being turned on.” – Justin Kates
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“Working with models can feel like magic. The model brings life and vitality to my ideas, themes, costumes and props. They literally become the beating heart of my vision.”

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Justin Kates' lush vampire world in the visionary 4th issue of Model Society Magazine

Get to know a dark and seductive cast of characters from gothic realms of steampunk, fantasy and horror.
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