Nude Art Photographer Randall Hobbet

I recently retired from an international career as a geologist and have devoted myself to photography. I’ve long been in thrall to beauty in all its forms. As a photographer, I pursue a range of subjects such as wildlife, landscapes, architecture and abstract imagery. But my primary fascination is that highly evolved form of beauty; woman. Those moments can be fleeting and pass in a millisecond. It can be expressed in the movement of a dancer, an emotion passing across the face, or the life force of animate nature. you may find beauty in animals or plants, the patience of a heron or the predatory gaze of a cat or owl. Momentary beauty is found in clouds, the flow of a stream, the endless churn of the oceans or the tracking of a star through the heavens. Beauty is captured in a moment. Nothing is eternal…

Publications featuring Randall Hobbet

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Highlights from Melissa Ann & Randall Hobbet

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